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Categories: Business News
SyliusDays 2023 – the summary this special event deserves

Sadly, SyliusDays has come to an end. These two days were filled with workshops, knowledge sharing, and networking. Our original idea behind the event was to unify the community, inspire those interested in discovering Sylius, and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and contacts. Admission was free, and this particular one was the first in a series of events we’d like to organize annually alongside our SyliusCon. The event was targeted at developers, which is why the agenda focused on workshops on the first day and a hackathon on the second. During these two days, we hosted people from all over Europe who came from different backgrounds but were united by a love for open-source software.

We thought so much had happened that it warranted a summary. Here’s what went down:

Day 1: workshops

The day was devoted to learning. During six hours of intense workshops, attendees got the chance to learn Symfony, API Platform, and Sylius from scratch or fill gaps. The aim was to teach as much as possible in a limited timeframe, giving everyone a solid understanding of these amazing tools. The Symfony workshop was conducted by Hubert Lenoir from SensioLabs, the creator of the Symfony framework. A hands-on API Platform workshop was led by Grégoire Hébert, CTO and Head of Training at Les-Tilleuls.coop, the company behind API Platform projects. As for the Sylius workshop, it was conducted by Przemysław Ptasiński, lead developer at BitBag, a leading Sylius partner agency. And there was pizza. Lots of it, of course! 🍕

In the evening, we spent more time on after-hours networking, sharing experiences with Sylius, and simply enjoying our time in Paris 🇫🇷.

Day 2: hackathon

The second day was spent hacking. We suggested various topics (which you can find in this list), but we also gave attendees the freedom to choose whatever they felt most comfortable working on. Throughout the event, countless PRs were opened, some attendees started working on their first plugins, and others finally found time to revisit their previous open-source work. This all happened with the assistance of core team members and other community members experienced in Sylius and eager to help. We hope to summarize all the PRs and progress in our monthly summary. If you participated in the hackathon and haven’t done so yet, please share your progress on social media or our #victory channel on Slack! ✌️

Based on discussions and mentions across social media, we can confidently say that, for many, it was an inspiring experience. We certainly plan to host the event again next year.

This wouldn’t have been possible without our incredible sponsors and hosts, who not only helped us organize the event but also do contribute to the Sylius ecosystem in various ways that deserve special recognition and half a minute of your undivided attention:

SensioLabs, who assisted us with logistics and provided their team member, Hubert Lenoir, to teach Symfony. They are also our training and certification center and were so kind to offer a discount on the Sylius certification voucher to all attendees 🎓. 

Smile, our French partner, provided us with their amazing office space we used as the event’s venue. The company works on advanced web projects that use Sylius and other exceptional open-source technologies. Smile is also the creator of Gally, an open-source search engine. You might want to write down this project name, some say it could be significant to Sylius ecosystem one day 👀.

API Platform / Les-Tilleuls.coop gave us Grégoire Hébert to share his experience in building APIs with the tool he represents and happens to use a lot. API Platform needs no introduction, but Les-Tilleuls.coop, in case you didn’t know, are the project’s founders. They are experts in API, web and cloud areas.

BitBag, our leading Sylius partner, who provides Sylius with tons of feedback and free, open-source extensions, provided Przemysław Ptasiński for the Sylius workshop and sponsored the pizza and drinks 🍹.

– Last but not least, Mollie, our beloved Payment Service Provider, covered the remaining expenses and sent us their amazing Ksenia Zvereva, a true community spirit, without whom the event would be far less exciting! They also gave away some of their ElePHPants, which are simply awesome! 🐘

Finally, a huge thank you to all attendees. If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t even come close to organizing events like this. Check your inboxes; we’ve prepared something extra for you with API Platform concerning the upcoming Sylius and API Platform Cons.

So, that’s it. See you all at SyliusCon in November! 🖖

Mikołaj Król
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