Meet the Sylius Team

Sylius Business Team

Get to know the team members responsible for day-to-day operations, development and business inquiries.

Mikołaj Król
Mikołaj Król
Damian Murawski
Damian Murawski
Przemysław Połeć
Solution & Technology Partner Manager at Sylius. Implements onboarding and integration strategy for each new business partner. Continually refines best practices for new integrations consistent with Sylius culture. Sylius office viking and master chef.
Przemysław Połeć
Paweł Jędrzejewski
Self-taught developer and entrepreneur, who has built an entire career and business through Open Source technology. Speaker at international conferences. PHPers meetups co-organizer. Keen on helping other young entrepreneurs and companies who may want to follow a similar path.
Paweł Jędrzejewski
Jan Góralski
Jan Góralski
Kamil Grygierzec
Kamil started to be interested in programming in 2016, because of the local CoderDojo sessions. He always wanted to be front-end developer, but at the end felt more suitable in back-end. IT technician since childhood, huge IOT enthusiast, occasionally football player and madridista wholeheartedly.
Kamil Grygierzec
Rafał Jaskulski
Rafał is a Software Developer with two years of experience. A fairly new person in Sylius, he faces new programming problems every day, though he’s patient and determined in solving them. In his spare time, he pursues hobbies such as playing instruments, Speedcubing or throwing cards. Average chess enjoyer.
Rafał Jaskulski
Szymon Kulczyński
Ex-web designer with over 10 years of experience. He takes care of the visual part of the Sylius Platform and related marketing resources. A rollerblade lover in the summer and a snowboard freak in the winter.
Szymon Kulczyński
Grzegorz Sadowski
Grzegorz is primarily one of Sylius most experienced software developers and also our Scrum Master. As he’s got a knack for detail in numbers, he is also keeping an eye on our financial and legal operations. Privately he’s a Madridista since childhood. He’d literally enjoy driving any car on earth. He’s already planned to buy an electric Audi for his tiny daughter.
Grzegorz Sadowski
Magdalena Sadowska
Magda is making decisions about Sylius features and breaking those into implementable tasks since 2017 in Product Owner role. Present on both our Github and Slack to chat about Sylius business-wise. Privately: she’s raising two tiny humans.
Magdalena Sadowska
Emil Janiszewski
Emil Janiszewski
Patryk Baczewski
Patryk Baczewski

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