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Standard vs Plus 🇬🇧

A comparison between Sylius Standard Edition and Sylius Plus. Are you curious whether Sylius Plus is a good fit for your e-commerce project? Download now!

Standard vs Plus 🇫🇷

Comparatif Sylius Standard vs Sylius Plus. Vous êtes curieux de savoir si Sylius Plus est un bon choix pour votre projet e-commerce ? Téléchargez notre présentation !

Sylius vs. Magento 🇬🇧

You manage a mid-market or enterprise e-commerce and you’re looking for a platform that’ll meet your business and industry requirements? Great. We’ve listed when the choice should be Sylius, and when you’ll profit with Magento.

Sylius vs. Magento 🇫🇷

Vous gérez un e-commerce de taille moyenne ou grand compte et vous recherchez une plateforme qui répondra aux exigences de votre activité et de votre secteur ? Nous avons répertorié les cas où votre choix doit se porter sur Sylius, et ceux où Magento sera la bonne solution pour votre projet.

12 usages de Sylius 🇫🇷

Cet ebook permet de mettre en avant notre spécialité, à savoir – des projets e-commerce complexes, souvent tordus intégrant des fonctionnalités particulières voire uniques. Si vous êtes à la recherche d’un outil pour faire prospérer votre commerce en ligne, découvrez ce que vous pouvez obtenir avec Sylius.

12 uses of Sylius 🇬🇧

This ebook allows us to highlight our specialty – complex, often twisted e-commerce projects with special or unique features. If you are looking for a tool to make your online business thrive, find out what you can get with Sylius.

Sylius Features Overview
Sylius Features Overview

Ever wondered what exactly can be found in the Sylius suite? This ebook provides you with a complete list of what the framework offers. You will find here every single feature, both native and add-on, from the Standard and Plus versions.

No better download can happen to you today!



🇬🇧 Sylius Plus technical overview with Łukasz Chruściel

A one-hour overview of Sylius Plus with a technical point of view. Hosted by Łukasz Chruściel who is our core team lead – architect and API designer at Sylius.

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🇬🇧 Sylius 1.11 Community Update with Q&A

🇬🇧  EN
Learn about the key improvements and changes that comes with Sylius 1.11!

  • What’s on?
  • Business Overview
  • Community Context
  • Demo
  • Technical Overview
  • Community Q&A
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🇫🇷 Webinar Rapid Flyer x PayPlug

🇫🇷  FR
Dans ce webinar, rencontrez Nicolas Mathieu, CEO de la plateforme Rapid Flyer (plateforme web 2 print française) qui nous explique pourquoi il est passé de PrestaShop à Sylius pour propulser sa plateforme e-commerce.

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🇵🇱 Jaką platformę eCommerce wybrać? Sylius 1.7. Intro.

🇵🇱  PL
Jaką platformę wybrać przy budowie niestandardowego eCommerce, wymagającego dużo developmentu oraz customowych funkcjonalności? Dwaj eksperci branży eCommerce dzielą się wiedzą, na co przede wszystkim zwracać uwagę przy wyborze platformy do sprzedaży internetowej. Przyjrzą się też możliwościom platformy Open Source – Sylius 1.7.

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Introduction to Sylius for merchants

A webinar by Paweł Jędrzejewski, explaining how to look at ecommerce projects, and when they may be a fit for Sylius. It also sums up the 1.8 release.

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Sylius & API Platform: The Story of Integration

Being a part of the Symfony ecosystem gives access to the vast number of open-source solutions built on top. A lot of people voluntarily committed the time to make impressive, multipurpose solutions. One of these solutions is the API Platform, the most mature framework for API development. In this talk, Łukasz explains how we integrated it into Sylius.

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Webinar. Sylius: Headless Open-Source Ecommerce Platform

An introduction to Sylius for mid market and enterprise businesses. In this webinar you’ll learn:

  • What is so different about our approach to ecommerce platforms and what are the advantages over legacy solutions?
  • What is Sylius offering out of the box?
  • What is headless and is it suitable for your online store?
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See more on the Sylius curated video playlist
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