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Les entreprises qui ont fait confiance à Sylius
Études de cas
JAST USA, tailor-made video games Marketplace
créé par BitBag
BitBag, our Global Solution Partner, along with JAST USA, has developed a new eCommerce platform for anime games. This custom project perfectly aligns with our motto of 'tailor-made' solutions. Thanks to BitBag's efficient work, JAST USA now has a platform that ensures fast downloading of purchased files, smooth searching and filtering of games, a custom "regional pricing" system, a loyalty points system, automatic promotions, a new payment gateway (credit cards), an advanced reporting module, and a new frontend application.
How to Manage Over 30k SKU’s With Sylius
créé par NF OUTLETS
Nationwide Furniture Outlet (NFOUTLET) is an online furniture store that delivers a wide selection of quality furniture. Started as a sole proprietorship and evolved in 2012 to an established company, Nationwide Furniture Outlet now has over 30 thousands of products from over 20 furniture brands.
POPSUGAR: We’ve rebuilt the subscription logic with Sylius
créé par POPSUGAR
POPSUGAR Must Have is one of most popular subscription service for women that sends subscribers a monthly box of items (fashion, cosmetics etc.) curated by POPSUGAR editors.
ZuluTails or how to tag your pet in a subscription model
ZuluTails or how to tag your pet in a subscription model
créé par Inhouse team

Zulu tails is a company with a clear mission - to protect your identity and reunite pets with their family as quickly as possible. They came up with a unique solution to facilitate reconnecting with your lost pet. 

It is essentially a smart tag that connects you with your pet instantly and securely.

In this unique business, Sylius framework worked as a base for the subscription model - at Zulu tails, pet owners can purchase yearly subscriptions for the tagging service. The price varies depending on the number of pets subscribed. As the subscription model moves away from a standard ecommerce shop logic, Sylius - again - fit like a glove with open frames that didn’t constrain the development team.
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