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Synolia / France
Le seul et unique Sylius Leading Partner en France, Synolia est un partenaire privilégié et de confiance pour l’implémentation de projets Sylius. Depuis 2004, l’entreprise accompagne la réflexion stratégique de…
BitBag / Global
BitBag is the leading and largest Sylius partner, having worked with the vendor since its early stages in 2016. Over the years, they have successfully delivered over 100 projects worldwide…
SensioLabs / France
SensioLabs is the creator of the Open-Source framework Symfony, which has become a global reference in web development. More than 600k PHP developers worldwide use this technology which is a…
AKAWAKA / France
Akawaka is a PHP, Symfony and JS expertise firm. We deliver high quality project using DDD and clean architecture. Sylius is our main framework for e-commerce which we use on…
Café Frappé / France
The independent web agency Caféfrappé has been helping companies at every stage of their digital transformation for 20 years. Based on co-construction and collective intelligence, Caféfrappé sees digital as a…
Datasolution / France
Founded in 2003, DATASOLUTION is the leading independent French digital agency. With 360 expert collaborators in France, Australia, and the United States, DATASOLUTION assists companies in their digital transformation, focusing…
EMAGMA / France
🐓🇫🇷 EMAGMA est une Agence Sylius Premium depuis les premiers temps : notre premier projet date de 2017 et fut livré avant la première version officielle de Sylius ! Nous…
Monsieur Biz / France
Monsieur Biz, c’est une agence web experte en PHP qui mise tout sur la qualité. Notre spécialisation en e-commerce nous permet d’assurer des missions d’audit technique, de migration et de…
Smile / France
With offices in 7 countries, Smile is the European leader in Open Source digital services, digital and open-source experts, from consulting to design and execution. Nearly 1700 enthusiasts contribute to…
WIDE / France, Switzerland
We help brands and companies to better understand their customers, prospects, and employees expectations. To do so, we use data and field and sociologic studies.Based on these informations, we explore…
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