NEW ACADEMY Course is officially out!
Participate in the growing community of Sylius developers and merchants.
Past events
Symfony Community Night
Symfony Community Night
22.02.2024 - 22.02.2024 Germany / Cologne, Balthasarstraße 79

Symfony Community Night is a meetup organized and moderated by Olivier Kossin from QOSSMIC. This format’s second edition was a great success last year and is now returning with even greater enthusiasm. 🌟

Unlike traditional Symfony User Group meetings, Symfony Community Night stands out with its unconventional approach. There won’t be typical lectures; instead, we’ll have the chance to engage in a panel discussion with four fantastic guests from the Open Source Shop Community. 🗣️

We must also not forget our special guest, Mateusz Zalewski, a veteran Core Team member from Commerce Weavers, who will also participate in this event. It’s a unique opportunity to meet and share knowledge with experienced experts from the Symfony and eCommerce industry. 🤝

Save the date! The event will take place at the QOSSMIC GmbH headquarters located at Cologne, Balthasarstraße 79, on February 22, 2024, at 19:00 CET. 📅

To register for the event, please click on the following link 📝👇

ConFoo Montreal 2024
ConFoo Montreal 2024
21.02.2024 - 23.02.2024 Canada / Bonaventure Hotel 900 de La Gauchetière West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H5A 1E4

ConFoo Montreal 2024 is a dynamic multi-technology conference specially designed for developers. Scheduled for February 21-23, 2024, in Montreal, Canada, 🇨🇦 this event showcases 155 presentations from international experts. The conference spans various topics, including Software Architecture, Quality & Security, Management, Artificial Intelligence, DevOps, and programming languages like PHP, Java, .Net, JavaScript, and Python. 🧠 It’s an excellent opportunity for learning, networking, and gaining insights from leaders in the tech industry. Attendees can also expect additional perks like food, t-shirts, and other swag items. 🍔👕

🌟 We’re thrilled to announce that our veteran Core Team member, Łukasz Chruściel from Commerce Weavers will be there. He’s presenting two insightful talks: “Need for Speed: Removing Speed Bumps in API Projects” and “Sylius 2.0, Top-Notch eCommerce for Customizable Solution,” where he’ll offer a sneak peek into Sylius 2.0. Don’t miss this opportunity for learning, networking, and innovation. 🚀

For more details, visit ConFoo Montreal 2024! 🌐

SyliusCon 2023
SyliusCon 2023
03.11.2023 - 03.11.2023 Poland / Poznań, Poland

Building on the resounding success of the first-ever SyliusCon, this year’s edition promises to be even more exhilarating and insightful. 🦢 SyliusCon brings together industry leaders, developers, and like-minded individuals from around the globe to share knowledge, explore the latest trends, and connect with fellow Sylius enthusiasts.

Get ready for a captivating lineup of keynote speeches, informative workshops, and interactive sessions that will empower you with the skills and insights to elevate your eCommerce game. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to expand your network, gain invaluable knowledge, and be part of shaping the future of eCommerce with Sylius!

Join us on November 3rd 2023 in Poznan, Poland! ➡️ Get your tickets now in a discounted price, valid only until October 10th!

Sylius Days
Sylius Days
08.09.2023 - 09.09.2023 France / Paris, France

Sylius Days is a technical event aimed mainly at developers but also at people from the community who want to expand their knowledge and skills about Sylius. The event will be held on 8-9 September 2023 in Paris, France.

On Friday, there will be three programming workshops. Sylius Essentials – everything you need to know to start working with Sylius. During the workshops you will learn how to use Symfony and API Platform to start building outstanding tailored online shopping experience with Sylius, the best open-source eCommerce framework.

Saturday will be the day of the hackathon related to:
– Development of Sylius plugins
– Creating a Sylius theme
– Contribution to the core

The culmination of the day will be presentations, which will start at 3:00 PM.

FashionWeAre – fairs in Łódź, Poland
FashionWeAre – fairs in Łódź, Poland
23.08.2023 - 24.08.2023 Poland / Łódź, Poland

Sylius team will be present at the FashionWeAre exhibition in Łódź, a B2B-focused fairs for the fashion and textile industry. If you’re there, visit our booth!

Sylius Meetup Toulouse
Sylius Meetup Toulouse
22.06.2023 - 22.06.2023 France / Toulouse, France

Retrouvez-nous pour un meetup 100% Sylius, la solution e-commerce basée sur Symfony.

Conférences, apéro communautaire, échanges, ce meetup invite tous les développeurs qui utilisent ou s’intéressent à se retrouver autour d’une soirée spéciale ⭐

Les mots clé #Ecommerce #Symfony #PHP #OpenSource vous parlent ? Le meetup est ouvert à toutes et tous, Inscrivez-vous, et venez avec un.e ami.e 😀


#1 Developing Sylius: past, present and future
Mateusz Zalewski, core contributeur Sylius (Commerce Weavers)

#2 Au coeur de Sylius, le ResourceBundle, v2 ?
Loïc Fremont, core contributeur Sylius (Akawaka)

#3 Json-LD, Sylius et SEO
Mathias Arlaud, expert PHP et Symfony (Les Tilleuls)

#4 Sylius, meilleur e-commerce ever ?!
Loïc Caillieux, CEO & Sébastien Lourseau CTO (Emagma)

18h30 – Accueil
19h00 – Conférences
21h30 – Apéro Pizza + Vege

Merci à nos sponsors qui s’engagent pour que l’événement existe 👋

Speakers sponsors : ces entreprises prennent en charge la venue de leur speaker

Solution sponsors : ces entreprises participent aux frais d’organisation du meetup et soutiennent Sylius

Organisation sponsor : Emagma prend en charge les autres aspects de l’organisation de ce meetup, parce que nous aimons Sylius et que c’est notre plaisir de vous réunir ❤️

Sylius German Community Meetup
Sylius German Community Meetup
19.06.2023 - 19.06.2023 Germany / Berlin, Germany

We are pleased to announce that the 𝗦𝘆𝗹𝗶𝘂𝘀 𝗚𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗻 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗠𝗲𝗲𝘁𝘂𝗽 organized by BitBag will take place on June 19 in Berlin.

After the previous two Polish editions, we received very positive feedback from the Sylius community. It was certainly a boost of energy and motivation for us to go a step further and take this event to the foreign market. For starters, Berlin. This is not the first meetup of this type in Germany, but the first one organized by BitBag.

~ Nicolas Kroll, CEO at BitBag and Sylius

🗣️ Line-up:
▪ Nicolas Kroll (CEO at Sylius)
“The future of Sylius in the product, community, partners and clients context”

▪ Konrad Alfaro (Technical Consultant at 8lines)
“Sylius as an Infrastructure – How to decouple from Sylius and still utilise its full potential”

▪ Łukasz Chruściel (Co-founder at Commerce Weavers, Sylius Core Team Tech Lead)
“Developing Sylius: past, present, future”

18:00 – Start of Meetup
18:15 – 18:45 – #1 presentation
18:50 – 19:20 – #2 presentation
19:25- 19:55 – #3 presentation
20:00 – 22:00 – Networking with pizza and beer

📍Ahoy Berlin, Wattstraße 11, 13355 Berlin, Germany

Sylius Polish Community Meetup
Sylius Polish Community Meetup
01.12.2022 - 01.12.2022 Poland / Wroclaw, Poland

Już 1 grudnia BitBag zaprasza na biznesowy event – Sylius Polish Community Meetup! 📣

Będzie to idealna okazja do spędzenia czasu w gronie społeczności Syliusa, nawiązania kontaktów oraz wysłuchania prezentacji doświadczonych prelegentów dotyczących rozwoju platformy! 🦢

Nie zabraknie również ciekawych rozmów, przekąsek i napojów! 🍕

Oficjalna agenda 𝗦𝘆𝗹𝗶𝘂𝘀 𝗣𝗼𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗵 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗠𝗲𝗲𝘁𝘂𝗽. 🎤 🦢

Rozpoczęcie Meetup’u

18:15 – 18:45
Mikołaj Król (BitBag)
“OpenMarketplace – pierwsza platforma open-source do tworzenia marketplace zbudowana na Syliusie.”

18:50 – 19:20
Paweł Jędrzejewski (Sylius)
“Pomiędzy CMS a Platformą istnieje Framework eCommerce”

19:25 – 19:40
Robert Stopyra (Adyen)
“Adyen jako globalne rozwiązanie do zarządzania płatnościami dla klientów platformy Sylius.”

19:45 – 20:00
Filip Rakowski (Vue Storefront)
“Krótko o tym, czym jest Vue Storefront oraz dlaczego warto go użyć i jak to zrobić z Syliusem?”

20:00 – 22:00
Networking przy pizzy i piwie

Po każdej prezentacji odbędzie się 5-minutowa sesja Q&A, podczas której będziecie mogli zadać pytania naszym prelegentom.

SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022
SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022
16.11.2022 - 18.11.2022 France / Disneyland Paris

We are thrilled to announce we will be present at the upcoming SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022 as a Community Sponsor. We could say, we finally made it.

For us, Symfony conferences were always the most important events – not only because of the knowledge passed by during presentations and workshops but also because of the community that gathers around them. As Sylius is based on Symfony, we have always felt at home there.

This fall’s event is special not only because of our presence, of course. It will be held at probably the most sumptuous location we could think of – Disneyland in Paris. With over 20 talks and 13 workshops, it will surely be inspiring and memorable.

Łukasz Chruściel at SymfonyCon 2022

Speaking about talks (no pun intended), we have our contribution there as well. Our primary Sylius evangelist – Łukasz Chruściel brings his Dilemmas and decisions. What we’ve learned designing new Sylius API to the table on Thursday, November 17, 2022, from 10:05 AM to 10:40 AM at the Framework Room. If you haven’t bumped into him sharing this story so far, it’s definitely worth your time!

We are also extremely proud, that many of the SymfonyCon line-uppers were also present at our conference that gloriously closed in October 2022.

Look for Sylius at SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022 – come by our booth and say hi to Łukasz, Mateusz, and Paulina!

SyliusCon 2022
SyliusCon 2022
27.10.2022 - 27.10.2022 Poland / Łódź, Poland

Connect with top Sylius practitioners and get inspired by their unique tech & business solutions. Join the largest conference focused primarily on Sylius.

Get ready for a carefully curated line-up of speakers on biz and tech stages. Meet Sylius Team in person and learn from the best-in-class Sylius and Symfony specialists. SyliusCon is an unprecedented opportunity to tighten your existing – and build some new – bonds within Sylius network.
➡️ Buy your ticket here – Early bird -45% until 30 June 2022