NEW ACADEMY Course is officially out!
Participate in the growing community of Sylius developers and merchants.
Upcoming events
Sylius Hackathon 🇫🇷
Sylius Hackathon 🇫🇷
29.03.2025 - 29.03.2025 France

The Sylius Hackathon will take place on March 29 in Paris, organized by our Partner – Monsieur Biz. If you’re attending SymfonyLive Paris, it’s a great opportunity to stay one more day and join the Hackhaton.

More information and registration:

Sylius France Community Meetup 🇫🇷
Sylius France Community Meetup 🇫🇷
17.04.2025 - 17.04.2025 France / Montpellier, France

Sylius meetup is coming to Montpellier on April 17! It wouldn’t be possible without our awesome partners Gally and Smile. Details in the event description.

SyliusCon 🇫🇷
SyliusCon 🇫🇷
17.10.2025 - 17.10.2025 France / Lyon, France

The 4th edition of the biggest Sylius conference in France – don’t miss any updates, follow us on social media!

Past events
Sylius Hackathon 🇫🇷
Sylius Hackathon 🇫🇷
29.03.2025 - 29.03.2025 France

The Sylius Hackathon will take place on March 29 in Paris, organized by our Partner – Monsieur Biz. If you’re attending SymfonyLive Paris, it’s a great opportunity to stay one more day and join the Hackhaton.

More information and registration:

SyliusCon 🎉
SyliusCon 🎉
13.11.2024 - 13.11.2024 France / Lyon, France, at the Centre Congrès de Lyo

SyliusCon 2024 will be held on November 13, 2024, in Lyon, France, at the Centre Congrès de Lyon. This is the third edition of the conference, which is dedicated to the Sylius eCommerce platform and its ecosystem. The event is expected to gather around 350 Sylius enthusiasts from all over the world, offering a unique opportunity to connect with leading Sylius experts and engage in insightful discussions about the future of eCommerce.

Ecommerce Party 2024 in Toulouse
Ecommerce Party 2024 in Toulouse
06.06.2024 - 06.06.2024 France / 27 Rue d’Aubuisson, 31000 Toulouse

Ecommerce Party 2024 is an annual event in Toulouse dedicated to e-commerce and technological innovations, taking place on June 6. Organized by our partner EMAGMA!

It features three main segments:


  1. #E-Business:
    • 9:00 AM – 1:45 PM: Morning sessions for e-merchants focusing on innovative solutions and practical experiences in e-commerce, including lectures, panel discussions, and a buffet.
  2. Workshop SYLIUS:
    • 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Afternoon workshops for developers, creating a plugin for Sylius, an open-source e-commerce solution, led by an expert.
  3. Meetup SYLIUS:
    • 6:00 PM – 10:30 PM: Evening MEETUP dedicated to Sylius, followed by a networking dinner and an informal gathering at a bar.


  • Olivier Duffez: SEO Consultant, topic: SEO and e-commerce, AI applications.
  • Ronan Hello: Matomo Consultant, topic: e-commerce tracking from data collection to action.
  • Antoine Bluchet: Technical Director, topic: API Platform updates and future.
  • Łukasz Chruściel: API Designer, topic: Sylius 2.0 features.
  • Sébastien Lourseau: Lead Developer, topic: modern frontend with Sylius.
  • Emil Janiszewski: Country Manager, Sylius.
  • Charles Duvigneau: Tech Lead, topic: Sylius Headless, experiences and best practices.

Date: June 6
Localization: 27 Rue d’Aubuisson, 31000 Toulouse

For more information and registration, visit Ecommerce Party 2024.

Sylius Days
Sylius Days
08.09.2023 - 09.09.2023 France / Paris, France

Sylius Days is a technical event aimed mainly at developers but also at people from the community who want to expand their knowledge and skills about Sylius. The event will be held on 8-9 September 2023 in Paris, France.

On Friday, there will be three programming workshops. Sylius Essentials – everything you need to know to start working with Sylius. During the workshops you will learn how to use Symfony and API Platform to start building outstanding tailored online shopping experience with Sylius, the best open-source eCommerce framework.

Saturday will be the day of the hackathon related to:
– Development of Sylius plugins
– Creating a Sylius theme
– Contribution to the core

The culmination of the day will be presentations, which will start at 3:00 PM.

Sylius Meetup Toulouse
Sylius Meetup Toulouse
22.06.2023 - 22.06.2023 France / Toulouse, France

Retrouvez-nous pour un meetup 100% Sylius, la solution e-commerce basée sur Symfony.

Conférences, apéro communautaire, échanges, ce meetup invite tous les développeurs qui utilisent ou s’intéressent à se retrouver autour d’une soirée spéciale ⭐

Les mots clé #Ecommerce #Symfony #PHP #OpenSource vous parlent ? Le meetup est ouvert à toutes et tous, Inscrivez-vous, et venez avec un.e ami.e 😀


#1 Developing Sylius: past, present and future
Mateusz Zalewski, core contributeur Sylius (Commerce Weavers)

#2 Au coeur de Sylius, le ResourceBundle, v2 ?
Loïc Fremont, core contributeur Sylius (Akawaka)

#3 Json-LD, Sylius et SEO
Mathias Arlaud, expert PHP et Symfony (Les Tilleuls)

#4 Sylius, meilleur e-commerce ever ?!
Loïc Caillieux, CEO & Sébastien Lourseau CTO (Emagma)

18h30 – Accueil
19h00 – Conférences
21h30 – Apéro Pizza + Vege

Merci à nos sponsors qui s’engagent pour que l’événement existe 👋

Speakers sponsors : ces entreprises prennent en charge la venue de leur speaker

Solution sponsors : ces entreprises participent aux frais d’organisation du meetup et soutiennent Sylius

Organisation sponsor : Emagma prend en charge les autres aspects de l’organisation de ce meetup, parce que nous aimons Sylius et que c’est notre plaisir de vous réunir ❤️

SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022
SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022
16.11.2022 - 18.11.2022 France / Disneyland Paris

We are thrilled to announce we will be present at the upcoming SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022 as a Community Sponsor. We could say, we finally made it.

For us, Symfony conferences were always the most important events – not only because of the knowledge passed by during presentations and workshops but also because of the community that gathers around them. As Sylius is based on Symfony, we have always felt at home there.

This fall’s event is special not only because of our presence, of course. It will be held at probably the most sumptuous location we could think of – Disneyland in Paris. With over 20 talks and 13 workshops, it will surely be inspiring and memorable.

Łukasz Chruściel at SymfonyCon 2022

Speaking about talks (no pun intended), we have our contribution there as well. Our primary Sylius evangelist – Łukasz Chruściel brings his Dilemmas and decisions. What we’ve learned designing new Sylius API to the table on Thursday, November 17, 2022, from 10:05 AM to 10:40 AM at the Framework Room. If you haven’t bumped into him sharing this story so far, it’s definitely worth your time!

We are also extremely proud, that many of the SymfonyCon line-uppers were also present at our conference that gloriously closed in October 2022.

Look for Sylius at SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022 – come by our booth and say hi to Łukasz, Mateusz, and Paulina!

API Platform Conference 2022
API Platform Conference 2022
15.09.2022 - 16.09.2022 France / Lille, France | online

Inaugurated last year, the API Platform Conference takes place this year as well. If you join the English track, you’ll have an opportunity to listen to the Sylius Core Team Lead – Łukasz Chruściel speaking about ⤵

Dilemmas and decisions. What we’ve learned designing the new Sylius API

Sylius and API Platform integration is the project that we started in early 2020. Since then, we were working hard designing, delivering and adjusting our new API.

We’ve learned a lot and during my presentation, I would like to share our findings.

You may expect answers to the following questions:

  • What was the path that we’ve gone through?
  • Why did we design our API this way?
  • What were our heuristics and what did we achieve?
  • How do design more complicated flows in API?


🇫🇷 Webinar avec Guillaume Bidan, CTO de Tediber
🇫🇷 Webinar avec Guillaume Bidan, CTO de Tediber
28.06.2022 - 28.06.2022 France

Il y a encore beaucoup de question autour de Sylius et de sa capacité à être une alternative crédible sur un marché dominé par l’approche CMS.

J’ai demandé à Guillaume Bidan, CTO de Tediber (la DNVB qui cartonne) de partager son retour d’expérience après plus de 3 années sous Sylius. On s’est dit que le format webinar permettrait à un maximum de monde de poser ses questions et de participer.

Du coup, on se fait une petite session “Q&A” le mardi 28 juin à 14:00.

C’est une occasion unique de questionner le CTO d’une DNVB qui cartonne et qui a fait confiance à Sylius depuis de longues années maintenant.

L’objectif étant de répondre à des questions et pour préparer au mieux l’évènement, j’aimerais récolter un maximum de questions en amont de la session via ce petit formulaire :

Une fois le formulaire de questions rempli* (*qui est évidemment optionnel 😉), il y a plus qu’à s’inscrire !
Et c’est ici que ça se passe :

See you there 😎 !
Kevin – Country Manager France

AFUP Day 2022
20.05.2022 - 20.05.2022 France / Lille, salle Le Gymnase

At this year’s AFUP Day conference, you’ll be able to attend a speech by David Buros sharing his thoughts and experience on coding in Sylius within a world full of uniqueness, i.e. French e-commerce market.

David is a developer for one of our partners Monsieur Biz and in his career has worked a lot with Magento which can be an interesting point for a chit chat in the conference foyer. 🙂


Dockerizer son application pour le PaaS
Dockerizer son application pour le PaaS
16.03.2022 - 16.03.2022 France / YouTube

Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à un nouvel E-Meetup organisé en collaboration avec notre partenaire Artifakt.
Pour ce premier Meetup de l’année 2022, nous vous proposons d’explorer les liens entre la création d’applications en local avec Docker et le déploiement sur un PaaS.

Ce Meetup sera animé Djalal Elbé, ingénieur en relations avec les développeurs et Rémi Guignier, chef de produit chez Artifakt.

Déroulé de l’évènement :

12:00 – 12:05 👋🏻   Check In
12:05 – 12:20 📘   Nous plongerons dans les bonnes pratiques du développement avec Docker
12:20 – 12:40 📘  Présentation de Rémi Guignier : pourquoi le PaaS est le meilleur ami du développeur
12:40 – 12:55 💬  Open discussion ! Posez toutes vos questions sur vos propres besoins

Avec la présence de Stéphane Decock, membre de la Core Team externe de Sylius.
À propos d’Artifakt : Artifakt est un PaaS qui rend l’autonomie aux développeurs et fournit aux entreprises une infrastructure cloud hautement disponible et sécurisée.