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Wemea has been an expert in delivering high quality e-commerce websites for more than 14 years.

We have always been focused on the performance, and on providing solutions that fit with the specific needs of our customers. That’s why we have decided to support Sylius, for 3 years, as an open source solution with a high quality code and highly customizable framework.
We had the opportunity to developp several BTOB plugins for large ecommerce players like Sodise.

Our web agency is located in France and we work for different kind of companies, BTOC & BTOB : AU VIEUX CAMPEUR, SODISE, MAGILINE, MAPA, SAFIC-ALCAN…
“To get closer to your customers becomes easy” is not just our signature, it is also a commitment of our team to provide the best service to our clients.

Partner since 2022
Professional Solution Partner
Professional Solution Partner