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Les entreprises qui ont fait confiance à Sylius
Études de cas
Aniye By – a mobile-first catwalk for modern technology
créé par Webgriffe
Aniye By is an innovative and eccentric fashion brand that won the hearts of many women around the world with its colorful and bold fabrics bringing vintage look into the new level. The company was founded in Carpi in 2000 by Alessandra Marchi and quickly gained thousands of followers loving their original look.
Histoire à succès : Migration d’EasyMonneret de Magento vers Sylius
créé par Monsieur Biz
Découvrez la plus grande école de moto en France et apprenez pourquoi ils ont choisi de migrer de Magento 1 vers Sylius
Natura Selection: how transition to Sylius tripled their sales?
créé par Runroom
It’s always tricky to reach a wide range of potential clients, but things get even more complicated when you especially target those who hold the same point of view as you do. That’s where extremely talented people from Runroom stepped in and with help of Sylius, they increased sales of Natura almost three times.
Doubling the number of sold lenses with a mobile app and Sylius API
créé par BitBag
Lensvision is a Swiss contact lenses specialist. Read how Sylius API helped doubling the number of sold lenses with the a scalable web app.
400% Sales Growth with Headless Ecommerce Platform
créé par BitBag
P24 is one of the biggest Belarusian food retailers. Read about headless Sylius implementation and a striking 400% sales growth.