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Les entreprises qui ont fait confiance à Sylius
Études de cas
Sylius-based B2B store for an agricultural company
créé par BitBag
Agro-Efekt needed a reliable B2B store that would let the customers to easily buy parts online. Find out how BitBag built an ecommerce solution that includes a SAP integration, multi-inventory management and a a super-fast search engine able to search through over a million products in less than 1 second.
créé par Enrise is probably the tastiest platform built on Sylius Plus. It promotes baking with countless recipes for both novice and experienced bakers. Not only can you find recipes there, in the online store you can instantly purchase everything necessary to get started - pans, ingredients, decorations - you name it, they have it. If you have a sweet tooth, is a digital place for you!