NEW ACADEMY Course is officially out!
Participate in the growing community of Sylius developers and merchants.
Past events
API Platform Conference 2022
API Platform Conference 2022
15.09.2022 - 16.09.2022 France / Lille, France | online

Inaugurated last year, the API Platform Conference takes place this year as well. If you join the English track, you’ll have an opportunity to listen to the Sylius Core Team Lead – Łukasz Chruściel speaking about ⤵

Dilemmas and decisions. What we’ve learned designing the new Sylius API

Sylius and API Platform integration is the project that we started in early 2020. Since then, we were working hard designing, delivering and adjusting our new API.

We’ve learned a lot and during my presentation, I would like to share our findings.

You may expect answers to the following questions:

  • What was the path that we’ve gone through?
  • Why did we design our API this way?
  • What were our heuristics and what did we achieve?
  • How do design more complicated flows in API?


K5 Konferenz
K5 Konferenz
29.06.2022 - 30.06.2022 Germany / Berlin, Germany

Meet our Partner & Business Lead – Tymoteusz Stengert at one of the largest e-commerce fairs in Europe – K5 Konferenz in Berlin.

If you wanna be sure to have a chat with him, book time in his calendly!

Sylius Germany User Group Meetup #1
Sylius Germany User Group Meetup #1
28.06.2022 - 28.06.2022 Germany / Berlin, venue: TBA

Dear Sylius Community in Germany!

We are super glücklich to invite you to the first-ever Sylius Germany User Group meetup. We’re taking the opportunity of gathering the German e-commerce community at the K5 Conference and proposing the best possible “pre-event”.

This event openly communicates our strategic plans – a year after rolling out our operations in France (thanks, Kevin!), we’re aiming for the same success in our neighbor country.

In the past, thanks to our wonderful Partners and Customers, we have met in Berlin, Nuremberg (both in 2017), and Oldenburg (2019) on three various Sylius hackathons. Then, COVID pandemics struck, and live meetups were put on hold.

So, what can you expect at the meetup?
A gathering of the whole German Sylius community – an excellent chance for networking between agencies, merchants, and technology providers.

Insightful presentations (in English🇬🇧!):
👉”Sylius roadmap and challenges in DACH region” by Tymoteusz Stengert – Sylius Partner & Business Lead;

👉”How to optimize background processes – when Sylius meets Blackfire:
With the recent Sylius release v1.11, we’ve introduced a brand new feature – catalog promotions. As this feature may require processing a significant amount of data (the whole product catalog), we had to decide on async processing by default. For that, we needed to improve the processing algorithm using Blackfire.

The presentation will be based on real examples from Sylius. Nonetheless, its takeovers may be helpful in any Symfony app. – by Łukasz Chruściel, Sylius Core Team Lead;

👉”Brille24 – From zero to a multichannel Sylius shop:
Brille24 migrated seven shops to a new platform built on a headless Sylius setup. See why and how we have completely reworked the shop architecture from an old Magento 1 instance to a new e-commerce stack based on modern Symfony applications”. – by Maximilian Pesch, Brille24/4Care Tech Lead

And of course – beer, snacks & chess. Who wins with us, gets a discount on the SyliuCon ticket!

Afterparty – pub crawl? Who knows!

Feel free to reach out if you are interested in sponsorship.

Don’t forget to join the meetup event!

🇫🇷 Webinar avec Guillaume Bidan, CTO de Tediber
🇫🇷 Webinar avec Guillaume Bidan, CTO de Tediber
28.06.2022 - 28.06.2022 France

Il y a encore beaucoup de question autour de Sylius et de sa capacité à être une alternative crédible sur un marché dominé par l’approche CMS.

J’ai demandé à Guillaume Bidan, CTO de Tediber (la DNVB qui cartonne) de partager son retour d’expérience après plus de 3 années sous Sylius. On s’est dit que le format webinar permettrait à un maximum de monde de poser ses questions et de participer.

Du coup, on se fait une petite session “Q&A” le mardi 28 juin à 14:00.

C’est une occasion unique de questionner le CTO d’une DNVB qui cartonne et qui a fait confiance à Sylius depuis de longues années maintenant.

L’objectif étant de répondre à des questions et pour préparer au mieux l’évènement, j’aimerais récolter un maximum de questions en amont de la session via ce petit formulaire :

Une fois le formulaire de questions rempli* (*qui est évidemment optionnel 😉), il y a plus qu’à s’inscrire !
Et c’est ici que ça se passe :

See you there 😎 !
Kevin – Country Manager France

PHPers Summit
PHPers Summit
25.06.2022 - 25.06.2022 Poland / Poznan, Poland

Nasz zespół programistów, jak co roku, odwiedzi największą konferencję dotyczącą języka PHP w Polsce, czyli PHPers Summit. W tym roku nie będziemy mieć własnego stoiska, ale członkowie naszego zespołu przygotowali dla Was kilka prezentacji:

➡️ Jak usprawnić procesy działające w tle – kiedy Sylius spotyka Blackfire
👨🏻‍💻Łukasz Chruściel

Sala 1.C 12:35-13:05

Najnowsza wersja Sylius 1.11 przyszła z całkowicie nową funkcjonalnościa – promocjami katalogowymi. Jego nieodzowną cechą jest procesowanie większych ilości danych(całego katalogu produktów). Co za tym idzie, zdecydwaliśmy się na procesowanie tych zmian w tle. Oczywiście nie oznacza to, że możemy marnować zasoby i nie zoptymalizować tego procesu!

W trakcie mojej prezentacji przedstawię naszą podróż jaką odbyliśmy z katalogowymi promocjami z perspektywy wydajności. Prezentacja będzie bazować na kodzie Open Source Syliusa.

➡️ Inna perspektywa na organizację namespace’ów w warstwie infrastruktury
👨🏻‍💻Zbigniew Malcherczyk

Sala 1.B 17:45-18:15

Tworząc aplikacje w DDD o warstwach Domeny, Aplikacji i Infrastruktury spotkałem się z wieloma podejściami do organizacji namespaceów. Jednakże w mojej opinii warstwa infrastruktury powinna być wymienialna, a co za tym idzie, nie każda organizacja namespaców to umożliwia. Jak umożliwić sprawną wymienialność oraz otwartość na nowe implementacje? Chciałbym przedstawić Ci pewną propozycję wraz z jej wadami oraz zaletami, która może zmienić twoje postrzeganie warstwy infrastruktury.

Spotkajmy się!

SymfonyWorld Online 2022
SymfonyWorld Online 2022
16.06.2022 - 17.06.2022 Global / Online

Join SymfonyWorld online edition on 16-17 June 2022 and listen our Core Team Lead, Łukasz Chruściel explaining “How to optimize background processes- when Sylius meets Blackfire.”

Get your tickets now!

👨🏻‍💻 Łukasz Chruściel – Sylius Core Team Lead
➡️ How to optimize background processes – when Sylius meets Blackfire
Track B
Friday, June 17, 2022
14:10 – 14:45

With the recent Sylius release v1.11, we’ve introduced a brand new feature – catalog promotions. As this feature may require processing a significant amount of data(the whole product catalog), we had to decide on async processing by default. But it does not mean that we can waste resources and not optimize the processing algorithm! We had to improve it and to do that we’ve been using Blackfire.

During my presentation, I will bring you on the journey we’ve done to make catalog processing better from a performance point of view and beyond. The presentation will be based on real examples from Sylius. Nonetheless, its takeovers may be helpful in any Symfony app.

AFUP Day 2022
20.05.2022 - 20.05.2022 France / Lille, salle Le Gymnase

At this year’s AFUP Day conference, you’ll be able to attend a speech by David Buros sharing his thoughts and experience on coding in Sylius within a world full of uniqueness, i.e. French e-commerce market.

David is a developer for one of our partners Monsieur Biz and in his career has worked a lot with Magento which can be an interesting point for a chit chat in the conference foyer. 🙂


Dockerizer son application pour le PaaS
Dockerizer son application pour le PaaS
16.03.2022 - 16.03.2022 France / YouTube

Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à un nouvel E-Meetup organisé en collaboration avec notre partenaire Artifakt.
Pour ce premier Meetup de l’année 2022, nous vous proposons d’explorer les liens entre la création d’applications en local avec Docker et le déploiement sur un PaaS.

Ce Meetup sera animé Djalal Elbé, ingénieur en relations avec les développeurs et Rémi Guignier, chef de produit chez Artifakt.

Déroulé de l’évènement :

12:00 – 12:05 👋🏻   Check In
12:05 – 12:20 📘   Nous plongerons dans les bonnes pratiques du développement avec Docker
12:20 – 12:40 📘  Présentation de Rémi Guignier : pourquoi le PaaS est le meilleur ami du développeur
12:40 – 12:55 💬  Open discussion ! Posez toutes vos questions sur vos propres besoins

Avec la présence de Stéphane Decock, membre de la Core Team externe de Sylius.
À propos d’Artifakt : Artifakt est un PaaS qui rend l’autonomie aux développeurs et fournit aux entreprises une infrastructure cloud hautement disponible et sécurisée.

Adobe Commerce [Magento] or Sylius Plus? Which one is going to be a wiser choice for your business?
Adobe Commerce [Magento] or Sylius Plus? Which one is going to be a wiser choice for your business?
08.03.2022 - 25.02.2022 / Zoom

Our partner Bitbag  invited us to a webinar to build some more awareness about differences and similarities of Adobe Commerce (Magento) and Sylius. But it’s not only that! Let’s see where it takes us – hopefully we can also discuss a bit the future of digital commerce in general. 🚀

🗨 Sylius will be represented by Paweł Jędrzejewski – our founder, while Alessandro Ronchi – COO from Bitbull will speak on Adobe Commerce’s behalf. With Mikołaj Król – BitBag’s CEO as host, we cannot wait to see how it goes!

Sylius 1.11 Community Update Webinar
Sylius 1.11 Community Update Webinar
22.02.2022 - 22.02.2022

Community update is the best way to catch up with all the news from both the Sylius Core Team and the development team. With this in mind, our team finds it crucial to make our decisions transparent and understood by the Open Source Community, partners, and clients.

Sylius 1.11 Overview

Learn about the key improvements and changes that comes with the latest version of Sylius.

Catalog Promotions

A must have for every ecommerce, until now only covered by plugins. What was our approach, what were the architectural decisions, what’s the overall logic behind?

Symfony 5.4 Support

Sylius has always been close to Symfony, so it’s no surprise we wanted to provide a support for it ASAP. Learn what exactly does it mean to you and your Sylius project!

PHP 8.0 Requirement

For us, PHP 8.0 was a love from first sight 💕. It was already available with the 1.10 version, but as the active support of PHP 7.4 ended in Nov. 2021, we go fully 8.0. Oh, why we enjoy it this much? Come & listen!

More API Coverage

We’ve been working on the API coverage since v.1.8, and it’s still in the making, however we now have over 85% of the Shop API covered. What a 100% will mean to Sylius? How are the works going?

Q&A Session

After the overview, we’re going to have a nice Q&A session to connect with you – our awesome community, answer your questions, and discuss our future plans!