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Categories: Business
Sylius Plus Module Overview: Marketplace Suite

Marketplace Suite is one of the modules of Sylius Plus, the commercial version of Sylius. 

Sylius Plus Marketplace enables you to create a Multi-vendor Marketplace that leverages the strengths of the Sylius framework. This solution offers a flexible, customizable, and comprehensive business platform designed for organizations that want to leverage the benefits of Multi-vendor eCommerce platforms. Use the Marketplace Suite and implement vendors, manage communications, split payments, generate reports, and process documents – all in one place.

What is inside?

Sylius Plus Marketplace is based on a modular monolith architecture. It was built based on the PHP programming language, Symfony, and Sylius framework, making it a highly efficient, scalable eCommerce trading platform. The platform is a highly customizable project using full-stack BDD with Behat and PHPSpec. It offers developers the tools to create exceptional online experiences, greatly simplifying the process of delivering digital solutions to merchants who see the marketplace as a key element of their future business strategy.

Sylius Plus Marketplace features – overview

Vendor registration & management

Vendors’ accounts are unlimited so you can grow your business without any. Vendor registration is very simple. However, what is important is that it requires confirmation by the Administrator. A list of all registered suppliers will be available in the appropriate tab – regardless of whether they are verified. To verify the vendor, simply click the “Verify” button. After the Administrator completes this step, an e-mail will be sent to the supplier informing him that he has been verified.

A verified vendor will have access to attributes, product lists, inventory, orders, customers, shipping methods, conversations, and profiles in his panel. The vendor will also be able to edit his data, but this action will require confirmation by clicking on the e-mail address.

The marketplace Administrator can remove a vendor, but the user’s account will not be deleted, so he can apply to become a vendor again (in his profile).

Vendor profile page 

The Vendor Profile contains basic information about the vendor and a list of all the products, which can be easily filtered by category or use the search/sorting engine.

In the profile, the Vendor can add the company name, description, logo, and background on the Vendor Profile Page

Review management by Vendors

Every vendor has the autonomy to oversee product reviews based on the rating guidelines applicable in certain industries, which includes the ability to approve or disapprove them. However, vendors cannot change the number of stars customers provide in their product assessments.

Conversations between the Vendor and the Administrator

Each vendor will have an advanced admin panel, where necessary features for management settings and products will be available. In the admin panel, the vendor can also start a conversation with the marketplace administrator, choosing a conversation category, writing a message, and (optional) adding a file.

The marketplace administrator can create a new conversation, respond to a message from the vendor, or delete or archive a conversation.

Product listings

Product management in Sylius Plus Marketplace is easy and effective. The key regulation is that the Administrator can approve or reject sellers’ products before they go on sale.

If the Administrator rejects the product, the seller will receive a message containing information about the reason, and the product will have the “rejected” status. The seller has the right to discuss the reason for the rejection of the product or to edit the product and resend it for approval.

If the Administrator accepts the product, it becomes visible to customers.

Product listing per channel for vendor

Vendors can choose which channel they want to sell their products. Thanks to the available switches in the vendor panel, they can decide about which toggles the product visibility.

Shipping and orders 

The Vendors can offer customers various shipping methods to simplify and improve the purchasing process. Moreover, vendors can set specific shipping options for the channel they sell their products using a switch next to each courier.

If a customer has selected products from different suppliers during one purchase, they can choose the shipping method for each separately. Once the order is finalized, each seller will have a separate order from that customer.

The Vendor can manage customer orders in his account; details such as purchased products, shipping method, and payment will be available there. The Vendor can also send an order confirmation email to the customer.

Shipping configuration per product 

An additional shipping option is that the Vendor can choose one of the predefined shipping rules. Among the shipping methods offered by the marketplace admin are those that depend on a specific product.

Vendors commission configuration

The marketplace Administrator can determine the commission charged per seller in the appropriate place in the admin panel.

Details regarding the commission fee can be found in the “commission” section of a specific order’s view, accessible to both the Vendor and the Administrator.

Who will it be best for?

  • Online stores with many independent vendors 
  • Virtual shopping malls with separate departments or selling channels
  • eCommerce platforms that are willing to develop marketplace strategies
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Patryk Baczewski
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