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New Release: Sylius 1.6 with refreshed admin and ready for headless eCommerce

We are excited to present to you our latest minor release of the Sylius eCommerce Platform. Version 1.6. There are many new features and improvements and we would like to outline a few of them in this blog post. For a full list of changes review releases on GitHub.

Administration panel refreshment

The administration panel of Sylius has not seen a major overhaul since the stable release. Based on the feedback from hundreds of implementations, we have refreshed the interface, making several improvements along the way.

Better taxon (category) tree and batch actions

The old tree has caused some usability issues with hundreds of categories, so we reworked the UI behind it and now you can collapse and lazy load big category trees with ease. We have also made the batch actions buttons take less space and activate only when you check a checkbox.

The product page is back and “view in the channel” links added

Some of you may remember that in the early version of Sylius, there was a separate page that summarizes product information in the administration panel. It got removed on our way to stability but it’s back now! And it also includes links to easily view your product in multiple channels.

Shipments and payments lists

To ship a shipment or mark payment as paid, you used to go to the order summary and do it there. From now on, there are 2 separate, filterable/sortable lists with all payments and shipments. They include actions to quickly change the state of these entities. An example use-case would be to use the advanced permissions management available in Sylius Plus and create dedicated roles for accounting and fulfillment.

Other small improvements and tweaks

We have also added:

  1. Links to manage variants on product edit/show pages
  2. Admin avatars
  3. Alerts when leaving a page with unsaved changes
  4. Better filters UI

There are few more improvements to the UI and we encourage you to explore them on your own with our public demo: Try Sylius.

Sylius can do headless even better now

Headless eCommerce is getting more and more traction because of its increased productivity with separate frontend and backend developments, among other reasons. Assuming that eCommerce always means a webshop is wrong in 2019. 

That’s why Sylius since it’s early days provided powerful APIs that have been used to build JAM stack eCommerce applications, SPA/PWAs and even native mobile apps on iOS and Android. In the recent sprints, we set a goal of releasing a stable version of ShopApiPlugin and our amazing engineering team delivered.

Improvements, bug fixes and new features

The work focused on stabilization and improved customizability based on our past experiences. The address book has been simplified to a standard Sylius CRUD and all other actions got their extension points in the form of command providers.

Quite annoying bug with cart assignment logic has been finally fixed and the JWT authentication has been now implemented and enabled by default.

Documentation has been updated and is available here.

New guides and documentation improvements

We have also prioritized several new documentations. Some of them have been shared before, but let me summarize them here for those of you who have not been up to date with Sylius news. If you want to always be the first to know, then subscribe to our newsletter.

New guides 

New cookbooks, customizations and articles

Most of the documentation has been updated to Symfony 4 and also our new engineers have reviewed and fixed all cookbook articles to make sure they work with the latest versions of Sylius.

Other new features, bug fixes and contributions

Apart from the refreshed administration interface and better headless capabilities, we have not forgotten about other small but important features. What is more, our amazing community has contributed fixes too. Thank you!


Bug fixes:

Demo, installation and upgrades

If you would like to try this new release, you can:

  1. Schedule a guided tour or try the online demo yourself.
  2. Download and install Sylius locally or via Docker (for developers).

For upgrade instructions, please head to the Upgrading documentation.

Meet us all over Europe at conferences and hackathons

Our team is going to lead talks & workshops at several developers’ events and hackathons, where you can discuss and see 1.6 yourself:

  1. 05-07.09 in Poznań at PHPers Summit 2019;
  2. 12-13.09 in London at SymfonyLife London 2019;
  3. 20-22.09 in Oldenburg at 3rd Sylius Hackathon powered by Brille24;
  4. 24-27.09 in Berlin at SymfonyLive Berlin 2019;
  5. 15-17.11 in Szczyrk at PHPCon 2019;
  6. 21-23.11 in Amsterdam at SymfonyCon 2019.

Summary and Thank you

We hope you will enjoy working and using this new release and we immediately start working on the next one.

If you are considering Sylius for a strategic eCommerce project and the Open Source features available in 1.6 are not enough, you may want to consider Sylius Plus, which comes with additional enterprise-grade features, Customer Success Manager and SLA-backed support. We have added new screenshots to

A big thank you goes to our amazing Sylius development team and all community contributors!

Paweł Jędrzejewski
Self-taught developer and entrepreneur, who has built an entire career and business through Open Source technology. Speaker at international conferences. PHPers meetups co-organizer. Keen on helping other young entrepreneurs and companies who may want to follow a similar path.
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