NEW ACADEMY Course is officially out!
Participate in the growing community of Sylius developers and merchants.
Past events
Forum PHP 2019 – E-commerce without a hitch with Sylius
24.10.2019 - 25.10.2019 / Paris, France

On the biggest French PHP conference, Sylius will be represented by the awesome Lead Developer Olivier Allain from our French Partner Synolia. The French title of the event is “L’e-commerce sans accroc avec Sylius”.

When e-commerce solutions can not do what you need, you only have one recourse: Sylius! Come and discover what’s hidden under the hood: from architecture to roadmap through plugins or tests so that the launch of your next e-commerce project goes like your preferred plan, that is to say, without a hitch!

If you’re at the conference, make sure to see Olivier’s talk on October 24. 😉

PHPers Łódź #8
23.10.2019 - 23.10.2019 / Łódź, Poland

[PL] Mamy przyjemność współorganizować kolejny meetup z serii PHPers w naszym mieście. Na miejscu będziecie mogli spotkać większość naszego zespołu developerskiego, a zatem serdecznie zapraszamy polską społeczność Syliusa. 😉

Łódź i PHPers znowu razem!
Już 23 października 2019 roku w Klubopiwiarni odbędzie się ośmy meetup PHPers Łódź.
W agendzie zobaczycie 40 minutowe prezentacje i 15 minutowe lightning talki.

Zostań prelegentem! Zgłoś się, wysyłając swoje imię i nazwisko, tytuł i krótki opis prezentacji na: [email protected].

Zgodnie z tradycją event jest otwarty.
Do zobaczenia 23 października!

PHPers Poznań #7
21.10.2019 - 21.10.2019 / Poznań, Poland

We are happy to have excellent contact with the organizers of Poznań’s edition of PHPers meetups. However, we have never presented Sylius there. This time it will change! Łukasz, Sylius Core Team Member and Trainer will give his presentation “Everything you’d like to know about Sylius, but you didn’t have time to ask”.

Symfony User Group Cologne – October’19
17.10.2019 - 17.10.2019 / SensioLabs Deutschland GmbH, Cologne, Germany

Maximilian Pesch, one of ShopApi maintainers and the developer from our customer company Brille24 currently migrating from Magento, will give a talk “Showcasing Sylius” at the closest Symfony User Group Cologne meetup.

Sylius is a modern open source e-commerce framework that works out of the box for large and small shops. With its base being Symfony it is highly customizable and very easy to extend. In this talk, I will showcase the basics of Sylius. How to develop with it, what best practices are.

If you are living in Cologne or nearby, make sure to attend the event!

Bordeaux PHP Meetup – E-commerce without a hitch with Sylius
26.09.2019 - 26.09.2019 / Bordeaux, France

Thanks to the awesome Lead Developer Olivier Allain from our French Partner Synolia, you can enjoy the meetup at their offices in Bordeaux very soon! The French title of the event is “L’e-commerce sans accroc avec Sylius”.

When e-commerce solutions can not do what you need, you only have one recourse: Sylius! Come and discover what’s hidden under the hood: from architecture to roadmap through plugins or tests so that the launch of your next e-commerce project goes like your preferred plan, that is to say, without a hitch!

The meetup will end with an aperitif. Synolia will take care of beer and pizza <3!


SymfonyLive Berlin 2019
24.09.2019 - 27.09.2019 / Berlin, Germany

In Berlin, we will be represented by Sylius Product Owner Magdalena Sadowska, who will give a talk “Building an extraordinary online store with Sylius”. Here is the description:

If you are seeking a solution that will let you build anything you can imagine in the eCommerce field, then Sylius might be exactly what you need. From the Sylius Product Owner point of view, I’m going to explain how does Sylius differ from mainstream eCommerce platforms, show you on examples what you can achieve with it and which of its components you can use in your existing Symfony applications.

3rd Sylius Hackathon powered by Brille24
20.09.2019 - 22.09.2019 / Oldenburg, Germany

Brille24, the eyewear industry online leader in Germany is migrating to Sylius. We couldn’t be more happy to invite you to Brille24 Headquarters for 2 days full of coding, lightning talks & fun. We’re going to build new Sylius features, with a focus on extending ShopApi for headless eCommerce implementations. Sylius team will be represented by Paweł, Łukasz, Adam & Magda. Come to Oldenburg, meet us and enjoy being an eCommerce developer again.

SymfonyLive London 2019
12.09.2019 - 13.09.2019 / London, England

Come to London to see and listen to Kamil Kokot presenting “BDD Your Symfony Application” on September 13. Here is the talk’s description:

Behaviour Driven Development helps bridge the communication gap between business and IT. Having testable specifications is a desirable side effect. This talk will explain the basics of BDD methodology, best practices for writing Cucumber scenarios and how to integrate Symfony with Behat by using a new emerging solution – FriendsOfBehat’s SymfonyExtension. I will share the practical insights distilled from 4 years of developing and maintaining the biggest open-source Behat suite which is a part of Sylius.

PHPUG Köln: PHP-driven e-commerce
06.09.2019 - 06.09.2019 / Cologne, Germany

In 4-5 short presentations, various developers will give insights into the current PHP-based eCommerce frameworks, including Sylius. Make sure you are there if you live nearby!

PHPers Summit 2019
05.09.2019 - 07.09.2019 / Poznań, Poland

The biggest Polish PHP conference. This year Sylius team members will be very active there. On Thursday, September 5 we are leading two workshops:

  • [EN] One scenario, several interpretations – how to code without worrying in PHP Łukasz Chruściel
  • [PL] Online store in one day, or how to start using Sylius Mateusz Zalewski

Also, on Friday, September 6, Łukasz will give a talk “A short tale about State Machine”. The day after you may enjoy Kamil Kokot’s presentation “BDD your application”.

We’re also happy to see our Croatian Partner Locastic CEO – Antonio Perić-Mažar giving the workshop REST easy with API Platform and the talk “Symfony 4: A new way to develop applications”.