Participate in the growing community of Sylius developers and merchants.
Past events
Netcomm Forum | Nord-Est
05.12.2019 - 05.12.2019 / Padova, Italy

Our Solution Partner Webgriffe will represent us at Netcomm Forum Nord-Est in Padova, Italy on December 5. Make sure to approach their stand to talk about Sylius or attend the workshop run by Webgriffe’s CEO Cristian Galletti.

Sylius Community Beer at SymfonyCon
22.11.2019 - 23.11.2019 / Amsterdam

As every year the number of Sylius fans present at SymfonyCon is growing, we’ve decided to make it official this time.

If you are at the conference in Amsterdam, make sure to join our core team members Łukasz and Mateusz for a beer and meet other Sylius Community folks you know from our Slack!

We’re meeting on Friday at Belushi’s at 6 pm. Follow our Twitter to be up to date. 😉

SymfonyCon Amsterdam 2019
21.11.2019 - 23.11.2019 / Amsterdam, Netherlands

We’re proud to announce that for the second year in a row, Sylius Core Team Members Łukasz and Mateusz will be leading a workshop “Create an eCommerce website with Sylius” on November 19. There are still free seats available! Here is the description:

Working with Symfony and looking for an eCommerce solution? Cheer up! There is a software that can perfectly meet your needs. Sylius is the only e-commerce framework entirely based on Symfony (with Symfony 4 and Flex support), crafted with clean code and BDD. Join us and see that eCommerce development can be easy and fun. During the workshops, we will together start with vanilla Sylius configuration and customize it to our needs. After the workshops, you will have a good insight into Sylius structure and its core concepts. The course is intended for Sylius newcomers with Symfony knowledge.

What’s more, Łukasz will give a presentation “Everything you wanted to know about Sylius, but didn’t find time to ask” at 14:50, November 22, Track Beginner.

Sylius is an open-source eCommerce platform based on Symfony 4, which reached version 1.6 last September. Is there any reason why should you check Sylius if you are not developing eCommerce websites? What are the reasons to choose Sylius? For who is Sylius designed for? I will answer these questions and give some insight over the newest changes in the platform.

And that’s not everything yet… 😉

PHPCon Poland
15.11.2019 - 17.11.2019 / Szczyrk, Poland

On Friday, November 15, our Core Team Member & Trainer Łukasz Chruściel will lead a workshop “Sylius – eCommerce solution tailored to your needs”. It will cover the following topics: basic shop development, grouped products configuration, knowledge of CRUD API and creating your own CRUD, SyliusResourceBundle, SyliusGridBundle, SyliusFixturesBundle, State Machine component in Sylius and more. The workshop will be held in Polish.

Weekend Opengento 2019 with “Gatsbylius”
15.11.2019 - 17.11.2019 / Maisnil les Ruitz, France

The largest Magento community association in France organizes weekly hackathons every year. One of the projects created this time was “Gatsbylius“. A group led by Maxime Huran from our Partner agency Monsieur Biz and Pierre Martin from Front Commerce (the eCommerce PWA made with React and GraphQL) developed “The fastest shop on earth” using Gatsby (frontend framework for React developers) and Sylius.

See more on OpenGento’s Twitter!

3. PHPUGKA 2019
07.11.2019 - 07.11.2019 / Karlsruhe

Our German Partner is organising a first PHP Usergroup meetup in Karlsruhe dedicated to Sylius. Agenda:

  • 19:00 – Arrive
  • 19:30 – Beginning
  • 19:45 – Everything you wanted to know about Sylius, but didn’t find time to ask – Łukasz Chruściel
  • 20:30 – Break
  • 20:45 – Content Commerce with Neos CMS and Sylius – a Case Study, Daniel Lienert,
  • 21:30 – Summary and networking.

Make sure to be there if you live nearby!

#WLDCGN 01 – Communication Strategy, Content & Commerce
07.11.2019 - 07.11.2019 / Cologne, Germany

A leading German digital agency interlutions is starting a brand new event series “We Love Digital”. We are happy to find out that Sylius will be a topic there thanks to the talk “Sulu & Sylius | Content and Commerce” by Thomas Schedler, founder and CEO sulu GmbH, Austria. It’s not the first time Thomas is giving this presentation, so if you can’t attend the meetup, check it here.

Vue.JS Barcamp Berlin
25.10.2019 - 26.10.2019 / Berlin, Germany

Thanks to an invitation from our Partners Portaltech Reply, Sylius has become a bronze sponsor of the event. It’s a great opportunity to explore headless implementations of eCommerce projects with our platform and Vue.JS, Nuxt or VueStorefront. If you are in Berlin by any chance, come and meet us!

About barcamp:
You got the basic idea: A barcamp is community driven and everyone can step up with a topic. But how does it work exactly? Let’s break the event down into smaller chunks.

First thing in the morning after your coffee, everyone is encouraged to propose a topic to fill today’s session plan.

Some sessions will be held by core devs of vuejs, nuxt and vue-storefront. But that shouldn’t stop you from proposing a topic yourself. Tell us about <insert project> where you did <insert awesome idea> ❤️️!

These sessions are then scheduled and divided into the available rooms.

That’s it. The fun begins. 🎉 You are free to attend any session and share your knowledge, meet people and engage others.

See you around!

Forum PHP 2019 – E-commerce without a hitch with Sylius
24.10.2019 - 25.10.2019 / Paris, France

On the biggest French PHP conference, Sylius will be represented by the awesome Lead Developer Olivier Allain from our French Partner Synolia. The French title of the event is “L’e-commerce sans accroc avec Sylius”.

When e-commerce solutions can not do what you need, you only have one recourse: Sylius! Come and discover what’s hidden under the hood: from architecture to roadmap through plugins or tests so that the launch of your next e-commerce project goes like your preferred plan, that is to say, without a hitch!

If you’re at the conference, make sure to see Olivier’s talk on October 24. 😉

PHPers Łódź #8
23.10.2019 - 23.10.2019 / Łódź, Poland

[PL] Mamy przyjemność współorganizować kolejny meetup z serii PHPers w naszym mieście. Na miejscu będziecie mogli spotkać większość naszego zespołu developerskiego, a zatem serdecznie zapraszamy polską społeczność Syliusa. 😉

Łódź i PHPers znowu razem!
Już 23 października 2019 roku w Klubopiwiarni odbędzie się ośmy meetup PHPers Łódź.
W agendzie zobaczycie 40 minutowe prezentacje i 15 minutowe lightning talki.

Zostań prelegentem! Zgłoś się, wysyłając swoje imię i nazwisko, tytuł i krótki opis prezentacji na: [email protected].

Zgodnie z tradycją event jest otwarty.
Do zobaczenia 23 października!