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Past events
Sylius 1.11 Community Update Webinar
Sylius 1.11 Community Update Webinar
22.02.2022 - 22.02.2022

Community update is the best way to catch up with all the news from both the Sylius Core Team and the development team. With this in mind, our team finds it crucial to make our decisions transparent and understood by the Open Source Community, partners, and clients.

Sylius 1.11 Overview

Learn about the key improvements and changes that comes with the latest version of Sylius.

Catalog Promotions

A must have for every ecommerce, until now only covered by plugins. What was our approach, what were the architectural decisions, what’s the overall logic behind?

Symfony 5.4 Support

Sylius has always been close to Symfony, so it’s no surprise we wanted to provide a support for it ASAP. Learn what exactly does it mean to you and your Sylius project!

PHP 8.0 Requirement

For us, PHP 8.0 was a love from first sight 💕. It was already available with the 1.10 version, but as the active support of PHP 7.4 ended in Nov. 2021, we go fully 8.0. Oh, why we enjoy it this much? Come & listen!

More API Coverage

We’ve been working on the API coverage since v.1.8, and it’s still in the making, however we now have over 85% of the Shop API covered. What a 100% will mean to Sylius? How are the works going?

Q&A Session

After the overview, we’re going to have a nice Q&A session to connect with you – our awesome community, answer your questions, and discuss our future plans!

Sylius vs. Shopware: Which vendor for which case?
Sylius vs. Shopware: Which vendor for which case?
28.01.2022 - 28.01.2022

About webinar

Choosing an eCommerce platform is one of the most crucial decisions a company needs to make while re-platforming.

It can impact the eCommerce strategy and either help or slow down the business. Hence it is good to make a wise choice. However, to do so – it is best to do proper research and talk to people who know the solution best.

Who else could it be, if not eCommerce consultants working for the vendors themselves and a guy in between shaping projects on top of them?


MikoƂaj Król
CEO & co-founder @BitBag | HOST

MikoƂaj is the co-founder and CEO of BitBag, an eCommerce agency delivering tailor-made solutions for companies worldwide, working from Poland. MikoƂaj is a great fan of solving complex business problems with open-source software. He has started his career as a developer and, over the years, managed to build a 50+ people company driven by truly passionate engineers, partnered with key vendors, including Sylius, Shopware, and Sensio Labs, working with SMBs and Enterprises around the world.

Sander Mangel
Ecommerce Consultant @Shopware |

Sander is one of the most influential eCommerce Consultants with a ton of valuable experience. Sander is one of those guys who know things in and out – in the case of eCommerce. He worked with various solutions as a developer, tech leader, consultant, and blogger. Shopware is no exception here.

Tymoteusz Stengert
Partner & Ecommerce Consultant @Sylius | GUEST

Tymoteusz is one of the first members of the Sylius team. Nowadays working mainly as a New Business Lead and Consultant at Sylius. Tim is passionate about modern eCommerce solutions, best-of-breed driven approaches, open-source, community-building, and last but not least – holacracy.

Differences between Shopware and Sylius

In this webinar, you will learn more about:

  • the fundamental differences between Shopware and Sylius,
  • which cases both vendors fit best and which they don’t,
  • the licensing model behind each product,
  • and where they gather the most merchants in the world.

Q&A session

During the webinar, you will have an excellent opportunity to explore a specific topic by asking questions related to eCommerce, companies, or vendors. Our hosts will answer them with pleasure.

Rapid’Flyer x Payplug x Sylius webinar
Rapid’Flyer x Payplug x Sylius webinar
27.01.2022 - 27.01.2022 France

Les bons outils pour accĂ©lĂ©rer sa croissance : le cas Rapid’Flyer

Dans ce webinar, vous dĂ©couvrirez comment Rapid’Flyer, site d’impression en ligne 100% français, a rĂ©ussi Ă  booster sa croissance grĂące Ă  son passage de Prestashop Ă  Magento, mais aussi comment un acteur comme PayPlug a accompagnĂ© le dĂ©veloppement de la plateforme.

Nous évoquerons également Sylius, son fonctionnement, sa philosophie et vous donnerons les clés pour répondre à la question suivante : comment faire les bons choix au moment de choisir ses outils et quels sont les limites des CMS Legacy par rapport à Sylius ?

En prĂ©sence de Nicolas Mathieu, CEO de Rapid’Flyer – Vincent Viozzi, Responsable des Partenariats Agence chez Payplug – et Kevin Bessat, Country Manager France chez Sylius.

Inscrivez-vous vite ici.

Sylius x Y1 Webinar
Sylius x Y1 Webinar
14.12.2021 - 14.12.2021

Learn more about the only open source e-commerce platform targeted for midmarket and enterprise businesses with our upcoming webinar: Sylius: a headless open-source e-commerce platform.

Ecommerce is a thriving part of business growing exponentially during the recent years. Market offers a countless number of options when it comes to ecommerce platforms, however are they all the same? How to choose the one fit for your business? Our New Business Lead and Advisor – Tymoteusz Stengert, will show you the potential of Sylius and Sylius Plus for the mid and upper part of the market.

Join us to learn:

  • What is Sylius
  • Open Source or SaaS
  • The gap between an out-of-the-box and a fully custom solution
  • Microservices or modular monolith
  • What is headless
PHP Forum 2021
21.10.2021 - 22.10.2021 France / Paris, France

Organized by AFUP, it is the largest PHP event in France and after the doomed 2020, it comes back to the game. As for now, there are over 30 speakers and it will definitely be a big community come-together festival with ~600 attendees participating every year.

We will join as a Silver Sponsor together with our Premium Solution Partner – Monsieur Biz, so between some food for thought during the event, come and say hi to our booth!

PHPers Summit 2021
PHPers Summit 2021
01.10.2021 - 02.10.2021 Poland / PoznaƄ, Poland

PHPers Summit is the largest event for the PHP community in Poland. After a break in 2020 it comes back to PoznaƄ, however it will also be available online.

It starts with a workshop day on Friday, October 1 and the main conference takes place the following day.

Sylius is a bronze sponsor of the conference and you can expect our numerous presence, some of us will also hit the stage to present some cool Sylius-related novelties.

API Platform Conference 2021
10.09.2021 - 10.09.2021 France / Lille, France

It’s the first conference dedicated solely to API – its development, implementation and use in different projects. A nice way of celebrating 10 years anniversary for the organizers – – being our long-term Professional Solution Partner as well.
The conference offers two language tracks – English and French, as well as two options of participation – live and online.

Our main API mastermind – Ɓukasz Chruƛciel, will share the story of integration of Sylius and API Platform. Join him at the English speaking track at 2 PM.

Web Summer Camp 2021
02.09.2021 - 03.09.2021 Croatia / Ć ibernik, Croatia

Web Summer Camp is both a conference and a series of workshops. With two main tracks – one business-oriented and the other one for developers, it provides quite a variety of options to spend 2 days in the scenic town of Sibernik, Croatia.

This year Sylius has become a Bronze Sponsor of the event and we’ll share our one and only – Ɓukasz Chruƛciel to lead a workshop within the Developers → Symfony track. If you’d like to take part in a hands-on session focused on developing headless e-commerce with Sylius and API Platform, that’s the place for you.

#1 Sylius Switzerland Meetup
10.02.2020 - 10.02.2020 / JobCloud AG's HQ, Zurich, Switzerland

Sylius community in Switzerland is growing fast, so make sure to attend this event and meet fellow developers you might already know from Sylius’ Slack. Agenda covers some great Sylius & Symfony talks with a huge focus on API. New projects will be announced, so make sure to attend the meetup or see the live stream!

Speakers set includes our Core Team Member – Ɓukasz Chruƛciel, Sylius Leading Partner BitBag CEO – Nicholas Kroll, Lead Developer of our great Customer JobCloud AG – Pascal MĂŒnst.

ApéroPHP #5 Toulouse including Sylius/Gatsby (Gatsbylius)
05.02.2020 - 05.02.2020 / Toulouse, France

One of the talks at this meetup will be a presentation of Gatsbylius by Matéo Zanibelli (Occitech). It will be an opportunity to promote and gather feedback regarding the integration of Sylius (ShopAPI) and GatsbyJS, supported by a CI from Github Actions.

Kudos to our Premium Partners Emagma & Tataragne Interactive for sponsoring the event!