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Workshops at PHP Summer Camp
Croatia is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. How about learning Sylius and attending other great workshops there?
Workshops at PHP Summer Camp

PHP Summer Camp is one of the coolest PHP events this year and Sylius will be there!

Organized by Netgen, it is a great opportunity to spend some time in a heavenly looking place and learn practical skills that you can immediately apply in your daily work.
The event focuses on Symfony and it will be perfect for networking with the community and improving your knowledge about PHP in general.

Time, Location and venue

For the third time in a row, the PHP Summer Camp will be hosted in Croatia. Rovinj is an amazing city on the west coast of the Istrian Peninsula.
It will last from September 3rd to September 6th, with an optional extra day for the boat trip!

The event will take place in the Park Hotel.

Sylius Workshops

I will be there for the whole week and conduct two Sylius workshops for people with varying Symfony skills.

In the first one, called “Getting started with Sylius”, I will introduce the group to Sylius concepts, installation of the components, bundles and the platform.
I will show you the flexibility, features and hopefully get you excited about building your next e-commerce project with Sylius.
Our main task for this tutorial will be setting up a really simple store, getting it up and running with some payment provider, diving into configurations and doing small customizations.

The second workshop, named “Building e-commerce apps with Sylius” is for more seasoned Symfony devs or people who felt pretty good after attending the fundamentals session.
In this part we will be building something more advanced, customizing the main platform and adding several more advanced features, like custom pricing calculators and implementing complex shipping cost schemes.

I am really excited about both tracks and if you would like to learn a bit of Symfony and Sylius – Join me in Rovinj!


Apart from Sylius goodness, there are many great workshops given by some of the top-notch Symfony experts in the community.

My friends, Ryan Weaver and Sasa Stamenkovic will talk about BDD in Symfony, with Behat and phpspec.
Another good friend of mine, Antonio Mazar will be teaching us about REST APIs and Symfony CMF guys, Daniel Leech and Willem J. Zijderveld will show you how to build basic CMS with CMF components.
These talks already sound amazing and like must-attend sessions of the event, but there are other great workshops planned. The full program can be found here.

Word from organizators

“We were happy when Paweł agreed to do the workshops at the PHP Summer Camp this year. We recognize Sylius as the prime e-commerce framework to be used by Symfony developers so its very important to give as much as possible opportunities to learn it. Thats one of the reasons we orgrnize the event :)”Ivo Lukac, Netgen

Be there!

This event is a great occassion to compromise a good portion of relax with learning new things. Get tickets and be there!

Paweł Jędrzejewski
Self-taught developer and entrepreneur, who has built an entire career and business through Open Source technology. Speaker at international conferences. PHPers meetups co-organizer. Keen on helping other young entrepreneurs and companies who may want to follow a similar path.
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