NEW ACADEMY Course is officially out!
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#SyliusOneZero – share your photo and win a training or consultancy!
We're starting a campaign #SyliusOneZero! Prepare yourself for a contest with valuable prizes, first Q&A live stream with Sylius Founder & other attractions. Read more in the blog post!
#SyliusOneZero – share your photo and win a training or consultancy!

Hello there Sylius People!

As you already know, Sylius v1.0.0 Stable Release will happen on 13th of September, International Programmers’ Day.

We’ve chosen this date, because our desire has always been to provide the best technology for other programmers. Sylius from the early days has been built by developers, for developers. Now it’s going to be stable and fully reliable for any business.

Let’s make it a feast of clean code and a high quality technology! With your contribution in these last crucial upcoming days, we can do something spectacular, together.

But first – we’ve promised you a bunch of attractions, right? So here they are:

#SyliusOneZero Contest

First of all, from now on we’re officially starting a first ever Sylius contest.

Working with Sylius and longing for the Stable Release? Or just want to try out our framework for the first time really badly?

Post a photo with a hashtag #SyliusOneZero and a brief description of the way you are waiting for Sylius v1.0.0!

The author of the most funny or creative picture and story wins a free Sylius training or consultancy package (depends on what’s needed) & a pack of our gadgets (including a T-shirt and the Certificate of the Sylius Freak!).

We will share every post with this hashtag. But your shares and likes may also significantly help us choose the best one!

Of course, you can play with us only on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, as hashtags don’t work on LinkedIn.

Q&A live stream with Paweł

On Friday, September 8th, from 11 to 12 a.m. Paweł will lead a first official Sylius Q&A live stream. It will be broadcasted via Facebook Live. All you need to do is to sign up to the event site we will create in the coming days. Stay tuned! Free knowledge from the Sylius Founder was never easier to get!

Release Party Live Stream

Finally, we are going to stream the moment of v1.0.0 tag and show you how our team can celebrate. Be prepared for some spontaneous fun and unexpected spasms of joy! :D. Also, we will appreciate all your ideas of celebrating with us in you offices. Let us know if you’re planning something. Stream and record your inner events as well and share the Sylius rumour all around the world!

Brace yourself! A new wave of happy eCommerce developers is coming!

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