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Sylius v1.0.0 Released
We did it folks! We are excited to announce the availability of the first stable release of Sylius! This milestone is an amazing achievement of our community. We believe it will make eCommerce developers enjoy their work again.
Sylius v1.0.0 Released

We did it folks! We are excited to announce the availability of the first stable release of Sylius! This milestone is an amazing achievement of our community and we are so happy to finally release v1.0.0. We believe it will make eCommerce developers enjoy their work again.

What is Sylius?

Sylius is an Open Source eCommerce Framework based on Symfony. A complete & free to use platform for businesses that need tailored solutions and an advanced toolset built with developer happiness in mind. Key features included:

  • Complete base for eCommerce functionalities, including admin panel with full i18n, multiple currencies, multi-channel, promotions & coupons, shipping, taxes, payment integrations (PayPal, Stripe and more), social logins, customer management, etc.
  • Developer productivity like never before, thanks to well known tools (Composer, Symfony, Doctrine, Twig) & strong Testing Culture. This, combined with built-in Agile workflows thanks to Behavior-Driven-Development (Behat, phpspec) allows for short time2market & lean, iterative development of new features without accumulating Technical Debt and losing upgradability.
  • Powerful REST APIs, which make it much easier to implement eCommerce functionality on any device or platform but also allow for efficiently integrating Sylius with the best in category tools, like PIMs, CRMs, ERPs, etc.
  • Excellent performance & optimization possibilities, possible with PHP7.1, simple Varnish & ESI integration, ElasticSearch and various caching (Redis, Memcached) mechanisms
  • Easy deployment to popular Cloud providers – with our modern architecture it is really easy to deploy Sylius to popular PaaS services, like, Heroku, Google Cloud, etc.

Stable Release In Numbers

This release is a result of almost 16,000 commits from 419 code contributors. We’re top #4 eCommerce PHP platform on GitHub, with almost 3400 stars and 1200 forks of our repository. 719 people worked on translating Sylius into many languages on Over 5500 opened Pull Requests on GitHub. Our packages have been downloaded over 4,000,000 times. The Sylius Slack community is now more than 700 people discussing future of the project and supporting new members.

Our Story

“Sylius” was the name of a small family business selling cosmetics online, for which I developed my first ever shop around 2010. Our supplier started selling directly in Poland, so the business had to be shut down but I was left with the name & a full shop engine implemented from scratch in PHP.

In 2011, I have rewritten parts of the system and published them as Open Source, standalone Symfony bundles. Surprisingly, the community found them interesting and some developers and companies (like the 20th Century Fox) used them to build their custom applications.

In 2012, with the help of Sylius I got my dream job and continued the development of the decoupled components in my free time with help of the community.

In 2013 we (the first Sylius Core Team) started development of a very early version of Sylius framework but it was a bit experimental and mainly contribution-driven development. I also started consulting & developing for companies that decided to become early-adopters of Sylius.

2014 was an exciting year because I co-founded agency that aimed to integrate Sylius for customers and also support the development of the project. This is when we started building the current Sylius Core Team! It was exciting and in a little over a year we were a company of 13 people but Sylius development was slow, as we focused on client’s projects.

At the end of 2015, we made a decision to rework what we have and finally release a more complete, well organized version of the framework. It took us almost a year to release v1.0.0-beta.1 in November 2016, which was a completely rewritten, tested version of Sylius with much better architecture.

In early 2017, for various reasons, we decided to part ways with the agency and create a new “Sylius” company. We reorganized ourselves quickly in the new office and with 2 more beta releases in 2017, increased marketing & community efforts, we managed to stabilize Sylius and release this version. It was a bit long, but exciting adventure that shaped us all as individuals & a team.

Installation & Upgrade

You can try Sylius by using our Standard Edition, which serves as a starting point for new projects. You may install it using Composer and use the built-in server for development:

composer create-project sylius/sylius-standard acme
cd acme
php bin/console sylius:install
yarn install
yarn run gulp
php bin/console server:start

If you prefer Vagrant, please execute the following commands:

git clone [email protected]:Sylius/Vagrant.git sylius
cd sylius
vagrant up

Keep in mind that these methods install & run the platform in “dev” mode, which is much slower and includes debugging & development tools. To experience production-like mode, please use our online demo: or run the commands with “–env=prod –no-debug” options. More about environments here:

To get started and understand ins & outs of Sylius framework, please refer to The Book section in our excellent documentation:

Report Issues and Provide Feedback

This is our first release and we are looking forward to your feedback. We are just getting started and we have exciting plans for the future of Sylius and our next releases. But as we have been doing it until this version, we want to make it greatly based on what you think.

If you see any problem, head to our main development repository and open an issue: Make sure to provide steps to reproduce the problem. We are also very eager to hear about your desired features that we should add to next releases. You can make such suggestions on GitHub as well.

Our Contributing Guide should help in both reporting & fixing bugs:

You can also join our very active Slack channel via this link: There are over 700 developers already there, having fun & discussing various eCommerce topics and shaping the future of Sylius. 🙂

Celebrate & Spread The News

If you want other developers to enjoy eCommerce development again and make Sylius a popular alternative to existing legacy platforms, help us spread the news! Share this post in your company, group or with fellow developers. You can use our official hashtag #SyliusOneZero for Social Media. We will appreciate your support! You can also like & follow our Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn & Instagram accounts.

Also, if your company wants to organize a Sylius event, let us know. We have more and more meetups & hackathons being organized in many countries. We will be happy to contribute to such initiatives!

What Is Next?

It’s been exciting journey but for us this is just the beginning. We already have some improvements & new features planned for future versions but we want the feedback from this release to start pouring it into our GitHub repository. Based on that we will continue making Sylius a great & modern eCommerce framework for ambitious projects.

Apart from development of the platform itself, we will make even bigger marketing efforts to promote our project & community. In the coming weeks we will announce the first batch of our official Solution Partners. We are overwhelmed with the interest but you can still apply via this form:

We are also planning to develop new products based on the framework and support the growth of our ecosystem. To do that, we are seeking our first investment round.

Thank You

Last but not least, me personally and on behalf of our entire team, I’d like to thank all people & companies who were crucial for the Sylius adventure and deserve a recognition and a huge “Thank you!”. This may be a bit long but we really appreciate our friends & community and their impact of where we are now:

  • My mom Sylwia & her sister Justyna for kickstarting the whole story
  • My amazing girlfriend Marta who supported me in some of the toughest moments that could put this entire project to the grave and provided with plenty of marketing ideas & advice
  • Entire Sylius Team, which is just the most crazy & talented bunch of people I have ever had a pleasure to work with. They are the minds behind Sylius technology & brand! Łukasz, Mateusz, Kamil, Grzesiu, Magda, Arek & Tymek.
  • The past Sylius Core contributors, who helped to build the foundation for what Sylius is today and contributed some of the essential concepts and solutions: Ania, Janek, Sasha, Arnaud, Julien, Alexandre, Daniel, Joseph, Maksim.
  • Matthieu & Laetitia & entire KNPLabs team who gave the opportunity to work with the best Symfony & PHP devs in the early days of Sylius and also supported the project.
  • Our amazing community of past & present code contributors and Slack users, who not only contributed bug fixes & features but also helped us test the final version during day & night! Thank you Stefan, Gabi, Mikołaj, Arvids, Ben, John, Michael and many more!
  • Our partners & agencies who used Sylius for their customers with great success and evangelized the platform all around the world: Locastic, Netgen, web.burza, Trisoft, Emagma, Intracto, VOTUM, infolox, BitBag, solutionDrive, The Cocktail and many more…
  • All companies who supported us by being the early adopters that battle-tested the framework on their small & big shops. Especially REISS, Hypebeast and BestValue.

We are excited to see what future brings and hope that our community will grow. Join us and become a happy Sylius Developer!

Paweł Jędrzejewski
Self-taught developer and entrepreneur, who has built an entire career and business through Open Source technology. Speaker at international conferences. PHPers meetups co-organizer. Keen on helping other young entrepreneurs and companies who may want to follow a similar path.
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