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Get support from Sylius community
We are launching official support channels for Sylius. Join us, learn and help fellow community members!
Get support from Sylius community

Hello folks! Together with the release of Sylius BETA, we want to improve our community support by launching official channels.

Are you working with Sylius and need help?


We have worked hard on our new documentation and it is much better than it was for the early releases of Sylius. We are constantly adding new articles to the following sections:

  • The Book – main guide for developers working with Sylius, which explains concepts designed in the platform and unveils its architecture,
  • The Customization Guide – if you need to change the way Sylius works, add a new entity, modify a field of a model, customize practically everything – this is the right place to look,
  • The Cookbook – specific recipes that explain how to correctly solve the most recurrent problems that Sylius developers face in their everyday work,
  • The API Guide – this section will teach you how to use REST API of Sylius to manage your store, place orders, create products, customers, etc.,
  • Behat Guide – docs for contributors and developers that want to follow our recommended development workflow – Behavior-Driven-Development,
  • Symfony Bundles – installation and usage guide for individual bundles that can be used in any Symfony based application,
  • PHP Components – documentation for standalone PHP components that solve common eCommerce problems,
  • Contributing – guide for Open Source enthusiasts who want to help building the best eCommerce technology in PHP.

As you can see from above, our documentation is quite a big project. Hope it will be helpful in your daily work with Sylius. If you have any suggestions, noticed a bug or would like to contribute a new article – please let us know on GitHub. You can find all the details in the Contributing Guide.


Most of us use Slack for their online communication with co-workers. We know that it is not convinient to have another chat window open. Majority of Start-Ups rely on Slack as well, so adding a new Sylius team to the sidebar is much nicer than having a separate card constantly open in the browser.

We have setup following rooms so far:

  • General – for discussions about Sylius development itself,
  • Docs – for discussions related to the documentation,
  • Support – for asking questions and helping others.

If you have any suggestions, please let us know in the comments section below this post.

Slack requires inviting new members, but this can be done automatically, just go to, enter your e-mail and you will get an e-mail with invitation, where you can setup your login and password. If possible, please use GitHub username – it will help us to recognize each other easily!

Gitter Shutdown

There is a Gitter room for Sylius, but we will be shutting it down soon in order to properly focus on Slack communication channel.


We have been using StackOverflow for quite some time now, but now we state this officially – if you have a specific, clear question – this is the right place to look. Please follow the guidelines below:

  • Search for the question before asking, maybe someone did have this problem already,
  • Be specific about your question, this is what SO is about, concrete questions and solutions,
  • Remember to tag your questions with “sylius”, this way other community members can find your post.

StackOverflow has excellent systems for rewarding good questions and answers, as well as for moderating the content to make sure only quality posts are visible.

Facebook Group (Sylius Developers)

A lot of us use Facebook and it is quite convinient to have a Facebook group that gathers other eCommerce developers and Sylius contributors.

Group is public, you just need to send a join request and other group members can accept the invitiation.

Join the group here. See you there!

Subscribe to our newsletter

If you do not want to miss news like this, subscribe to our newsletter on the bottom of this page. You will always be up-to-date with Sylius development and there is a lot of exciting stuff coming in 2017!


Sylius is built by developers for developers. Join us on whatever channel you prefer and enjoy eCommerce development again! We will hang out on all these channels, so that’s a good opportunity to get help from the core team.

Happy coding!

Paweł Jędrzejewski
Self-taught developer and entrepreneur, who has built an entire career and business through Open Source technology. Speaker at international conferences. PHPers meetups co-organizer. Keen on helping other young entrepreneurs and companies who may want to follow a similar path.
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