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A Month of Sylius #1 (July 2017)
The first of a series of condensed monthly blog posts with the most important Sylius updates. Get a quick access to all interesting issues in one place.
A Month of Sylius #1 (July 2017)

Following a good example set by Symfony we decided to launch a series of condensed monthly blog posts with the most important Sylius updates.

Our aim is to keep community as close to the project as possible. Thanks to these frequent newsfeed, at the beginning of every month you will get a quick access to all interesting issues in one place.

Hope you will find it useful. As always, we count on your feedback. So don’t hesitate to share your opinion about this new concept :).

Sylius Development Highlights

Last month Beta 3 was released, so if you want to get an overview of all latest changes in the codebase, head to the blog post.

As you probably know, stable version of Sylius is set to be released in September. We will announce the exact date and more exciting stuff connected to it next week, so keep an eye on our social media!

There are still 87 opened issues left to make it all happen. We need you now more than ever. Contribute and help us create the best stable eCommerce technology on the market.

They talked about us

We are happy to see more and more articles dedicated to Sylius emerging, also written in other languages than English. Huge thanks to all enthusiastic developers who like to write and create some good content. You spread the power of Sylius all around the world!

Here is an overview of the recent articles about Sylius written by our community:

1) Mikołaj Król from BitBag, Poland deserves for a special distinction. He prepared several Sylius tutorial-articles. Even though they showed up in June, we’ve decided to place them here. It’s a first time somebody writes about us in our own country and language. Thank you, man! You did some great piece of work.
* “Why it is high time to consider Sylius as the best eCommerce solution for PHP?”
* “Working with BDD and resources in Sylius”
1. Part 0 Introduction:
2. Part 1 Behat:
3. Part 2 PHPSpec:
4. Part 3 ResourceBundle:

2) Asier Marqués from Simettric introduced Sylius to developers gathered at deSymfony conference in Castellon, Spain, with a talk “Sylius: un framework de calidad para e-commerce” (Sylius, a quality framework for eCommerce). You can watch the presentation or listen to the podcast

3) Carlos Revillo from The Cocktail, Madrid, prepared an article “Sylius – un framework para e-commerce en PHP” (Sylius – a framework for eCommerce in PHP)

4) Laurent Pitteloud from ADFAB, Paris wrote an article “Sylius, une vraie alternative à Prestashop ou Magento?” (Sylius, a real alternative to Prestashop and Magento)

Upcoming events

Upcoming months will be really busy for us. Not only because of the stable release, but also the number of events we will participate in.

1) Firstly, on the 2nd of September, we’re going to have a stand at PHPers Summit Poland 2017. Our entire team will be there! If you want to have a chat about Sylius, register here:

2) On the 9th of September, Paweł will share his experience at Wro Open Source conference, organized by Divante. Sign up for his talk here:

3) Thanks to Carlos Revillo and other developers from The Cocktail, we can already announce the first ever Sylius meetup in Madrid, set for 21st of September. Sign up here:

4) After that, we would like to invite you to another Sylius Hackathon in Germany. This time we are going to meet in Nuremberg on 13-15th of October thanks to Solution Drive GmbH. Thanks a lot of organizing this! Most of the Core Team will be there. Let’s have fun together! Register here:

Sylius Team Life

If you follow our social media, you are familiar with our team and all activities and events we participate in. We’ve been running our profiles on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn for a while, but now you can get even deeper Sylius experience thanks to the followings:

1) We’ve launched our newsletter. Be up-to-date and get all Sylius news directly to your inbox! You can subscribe via our website or Facebook bar:

2) Also, we’ve set up an Instagram account. Follow ( and see how it is to work with a bunch of crazy 90’s kids who create the best eCommerce technology in the world ; ).

3) Finally, we’re happy that our very talented mates Mateusz (Developer, Sylius Consultant & Trainer) & Magda (Project Manager & Documentation Leader) joined our office squad. With this amazing team, we are able to develop Sylius better than ever.


While summarizing all of these, we’ve just realized how much is going on. That being said, we can’t wait what will happen next. Brace yourself for the stable release!

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