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Grzegorz Sadowski
Grzegorz Sadowski
Grzegorz is primarily one of Sylius most experienced software developers and also our Scrum Master. As he’s got a knack for detail in numbers, he is also keeping an eye on our financial and legal operations. Privately he’s a Madridista since childhood. He’d literally enjoy driving any car on earth. He’s already planned to buy an electric Audi for his tiny daughter.
PayPal: Security blog post #2 – 1.6.2, 1.7.2 & 2.0.2
Technical 2 min read
Security is an ongoing commitment; sometimes, despite our best efforts, vulnerabilities slip through the cracks. We recently addressed an order manipulation issue in Sylius PayPalPlugin and released security patches. However, after further investigation, we discovered that the initial fix included in this week’s security release was incomplete. We sincerely apologize… Read More
Security blog post – 1.12.19 and 1.13.4
Technical < 1 min read
We got you covered, as long as you have your application up-to-date. Although perfection is unattainable, our commitment to excellence remains unwavering. Announcing security updates is not something any technology favors, yet every software comes with its weaknesses and vulnerabilities. We take every security issue seriously and are dedicated to… Read More
Security releases blog post! 🚨
Technical 2 min read
We’ve got you covered as long as your application is up to date. Perfection may be elusive, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive for it. While it’s not the most comfortable task, sharing security updates is essential in the tech world. Despite its challenges, we prioritize addressing every vulnerability… Read More