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Officially Trained
Professional Solution Partner
Netgen / Croatia
Netgen designs and develops complex web and e-commerce solutions using Symfony based tools. Netgen’s services include discovery and research, user experience and interaction design, architecture and implementation, maintenance and growth…
Professional Solution Partner
Originem / Netherlands
We’re a development-first e‑commerce agency helping brands, wholesalers and (r)e-tailers to create a sophisticated e‑commerce strategy.
Professional Solution Partner
PrestaRock / Lithuania
PrestaRock specializes in delivering conversion-optimized e-commerce solutions at scale, consistently meeting aggressive deadlines. With over 15 years of e-commerce expertise, they offer a comprehensive suite of services, including custom store…
Professional Solution Partner
Adexos / France
Human-centric and medium-sized web company, based in Northern France. Specializing in digital commerce since 2006.
Officially Trained
Extension Artisan
Professional Solution Partner
Dedi / France
Founded in 2004 in Lyon, Dedi helps companies determine their place in the digital market. With 10 years of experience in e-commerce, we develop efficient solutions adapted to our customers’…
Professional Solution Partner
Dn’D Agency / Belgium, France, Switzerland
With offices in Paris, Lyon, Montpellier, Lille and Nantes, Dn’D has been helping B2B and B2C companies in a wide range of sectors (retail, luxury goods, industry, consumer goods, etc.)…
Professional Hosting Partner
Foxop / Belgium, France
Expert en hébergement cloud et infogérance d’applications web critiques, Foxopaccompagne les entreprises dans le déploiement et l’exploitation de leurs projets e-commerce Sylius. Basée à Marseille et disponible 24/7, notre équipe…
Officially Trained
Extension Artisan
Professional Solution Partner
Invertus / Denmark, Lithuania
Invertus is a Digital Consultancy that provides sophisticated and scalable software solutions for Digitally Enabled Commerce. Our Mission is to provide scalable digital solutions that enable our Clients’ Business Success.…
Officially Trained
Professional Solution Partner
Mezcalito / France
Mezcalito supports its clients from the design of web interfaces to their development and hosting. Created in 2006 and based in Grenoble, France, Mezcalito is an independent digital manufacturer with…
Professional Technology Partner
PayPlug / France
PayPlug (groupe Banque Populaire Caisse d’Epargne) est une solution de paiement par carte bancaire omnicanale simple à installer (pas de contrat VAD) et offrant des fonctionnalités orientées conversion : Page…
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